I know it has been a few since I posted but WOW is this house selling and buying business a big deal! Well, we had one inspector for the bank come and do a Radon test on Tues and he will be back to get his ready and pickup his equipment tomorrow. Then we have the buyer's inspector coming Friday from 3-6 pm. Tomorrow is our inspection on the new house at 3pm and our pool inspection will be done Friday at noon. Then we have appraisers for both next week. Yikes!!!
I had a PTA meeting last night and was nominated to be the chair of the teacher conference dinners on Oct. 27th and 28th (J's birthday). GREAT! (I say that sarcastically). So I will be working on that project. I have Sophi's room, the kids's room, and the office and closet upstairs packed up, except the things we will need the next couple of months. I have a truck load to go to goodwill and I kept the garbage guys busy, today! LOL!
J lost another tooth on the bottom last night. They line up perfectly, it is soooo cute. He told us that he wanted to be a math teacher when he grows up and Eric's response was "Could you find something where you might make a little more money? Because I think you are going to need it!" LOL! They moved on from dinosaurs and are studying "Community Heroes", therefore, teacher. He has a huge field trip to the science museum tomorrow and couldn't be anymore excited!
Tootie was my evil one, today. I was taping some boxes and come in to find that she has taken a new canister of oatmeal and spread it all over my living room floor. Ahhh! Her split lip has healed so fast. I don't think she will have ANY scar at all.
Soph Bug loves all the action. She just toodled and tried to pull things out of boxes.
We have a babysitter, Vickie, who watches our friends's the Jones's kids. J and Brecken are best friends. And Mason and Sophi are close to the same age. She also watches the Bolin family kids, who go to St. Susanna, also. She is one of the nicest ladies I have ever met. She is a clean freak, which I LOVE! The girls are going to start going a couple of times a week in Mid October while we move and then I have a lead on a contract for a law firm to start my Legal Nurse Consulting and plan on working from home twice a week or part time, while the girls are at Vickie's. All 3 will go part time this summer. J is over the moon that he and Brecky get to go to Vickie's together!!!! Alot going on! I contemplated taking Tootie to preschool since Mrs. Hughes...Jackson's teacher from last year REALLY wants her this year. But I decided that Sophi needs her more to make a smooth transition since she has never been left with anyone except my mom.
Eric has been playing catch up at work since he got back and will be taking off Friday to wade thru the inspections.
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