Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sophi's sweet little voice

Sophi can keep herself occupied for hours playing princesses in my closet and using her little voices. I love to here her sing. I videoed her without her knowing.

Sophi's State Farm Impression

The kids love this baby that's on the State Farm Insurance commercial. You know the one where the baby says "Does anyone care that the mime is talking. FREAKY!!" Of course the kids don't know what a mime is so they say "the mind". LOL!

Caroline's impression of the State Farm Insurance commercial

Here's Caroline mimicking the baby on the State Farm Insurance Commercial

Caroline's first class mass

My little princess's class just performed their first mass last Thursday. She did the prayers. Her teachers said she did an amazing job remembering her prayer and remembering to raise her hand when the crowd was to respond. This is her the day of. We had to curl the hair, back in a pony, with a tendril clipped back...such a diva. When I asked her if she was nervous she says "Nah, no biggie" such a difference in personalities with my kiddos. LOL!

St. Patrick's Day

The kids set there leprechaun traps, but drat those little leprechauns were just far too fast. However, Soph Bug caught a leprechaun finger and boot in her trap. Those darn little guys are messy and awnry. Of course, I had just cleaned before they came for a visit. Jackson overheard Mrs. Olejnik and Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones little boy is 2 and she found him asleep on top of his dresser in the middle of the night. J and his buddies just knew that a baby can't get up there, it was definitely a leprechaun that put him up there.

Basketball Games

J closed out the basketball season doing a great job!!! He's my competitive little man. They were 5-1, which is AWESOME!!! The fourth game he scored 18 out of 28 points. He does really well in the guard position but hates the post position. Being under the basket is not his thing. And boy does he look like Uncle Craig running down the court with those flat feet :) Game #5, he almost fouled out. Oopsy!! He was playing his BFF Danny and they were put on each other. Lots of elbows and smash talk there. I'm so proud of him. He lead the gym in prayer the last 3 games. He truly LOVED basketball, and now we're on to baseball. The girls will start the Spring session of dance in May.


Auction Fun

The girls helped me get ready for the big school auction which was a hit. I loved my hair that night. Jen did a really good job.