Monday, November 29, 2010

We're In!!

Hi Everybody. I hope you all didn't give up on my blog. It was quite the busy move. Mom and Gig came over on Friday and watched the kids while Eric and I closed and painted. He had to work Fri. and Sat. night. Well then on Sat. Eric and I moved everything by ourselves with all 3 kids. Whew!! Are we superheroes or what! LOL! My legs are still a little bruised from all the heavy stuff. I finished putting everything away by Tuesday except the basement. Then, I even got the kids's rooms decorated with all the details. J's room is Spiderman and I painted Spiderman webs on the wall, Tinkerbell and butterflies (which I am very proud of) on Tootie's wall and polka dots on Soph's wall. I only have the kids's bathrooms left to do. We went to Gig's for Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday and stopped by Mamma's on the way home. We had a GREAT time, but it went by way TOO fast. We stayed up REALLY late finishing the basement. Then on Sat. and Sunday I decorated for Christmas. I still have the tree and the kids's trees in their rooms to put up. (I need plant stands to display them on first). I even made a 32 in. wreath for the front door. Since I got all that done, I was able to work out at the school all day, today!! Yippeee! We had a great time. The school sold $11,000 this week in gift cards!!!!!!!!!!! It took us about 3 hours to fill orders this morning. J almost has his new address memorized and everyone is already sleeping great!

I also finished my last class and am officially a Legal Nurse Consultant so now I just need to look for a contract after Christmas.

The Tahoe had some stalling problems last Monday! It was constantly drawing power off the battery and died at every stop. I even got rear ended by a 16 yr old texting at the red light to pick up J. Come to find out a bird built a nest in my fuse box. Go figure, who does that happen too? LOL! Their was also another minor problem that was fixed easily. Thank goodness, I didn't have to trade. I'm not ready for another car payment yet!!!

Kids are good. Sophi talks blue streak and her sentences are pretty good. I love hearing her yell "Hey Tootie". Tootie had all the Santas and snowmen I had decorated with lined up on the fireplace with her dollhouse and she was bossing them around. LOL! J is enjoying the old Sega system Eric hooked up and loves Sonic!!!

Our address is: 2786 E. Charmil Dr. Mooresville, IN 46158 and our new home number is 317-831-0217 Cells are the same. Hopefully, I will get change of address cards out soon.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Whew! What a hectic week. Mom and Dad picked up the girls, yesterday and kept them until this evening so we could close on the house. Yay! So we are all officially homeless, LOL! We are still on for closing next Friday the 19th on the new house, hopefully. Not too much to report.
I ran into the school this morning in my sweats and NO makeup to drop some stuff off for the needy food basket project, when Mrs. B asked me to stay and help fit the Pilgrim hats. Guess the natural beauty had to shine thru today. LOL! It was sooo much fun though. The kindergartners are my favorite and I love to listen to them say the Pledge of Allegiance, Our Father, and Hail Mary. It is the sweetest sound you have ever heard. They are ready for our big "Feast" next Wednesday.
I bought Tooter Roonie some stick on nails and she loved them and insisted I take pics. She also stuck her sippy cup of cocoa in the microwave for 25 minutes without me knowing...Can you imagine the mess of melted plastic, Oh and the smell!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lunch Lady

Ok, so Mondays I have been volunteering out at the school while the girls are at Vickie's. So today, I am copying for the fifth grade teachers and Mrs. Castro, the head lunchroom lady is in dire need of another person. She asks me if I could help, and so why not. I did have a new purple/black striped sweater, my hair all curled, and my high heel black boots-not a wise choice for lunchroom duty. So the lunchroom girls find me a beautiful black apron that matches my outfit. LOL!! And did I ever look fabulous in my hair net. Ha! Ha! When J went thru he says "Mommy, what are you doing in the lunch line?" It was great. Then a little 5th grade comes running "Lunch lady, lunch lady" at me. LOL! I never envisioned myself in this role. He had taken a shower in chocolate milk and I had to run out and tell everyone to stay still until I clean up him and the floor. Wow! Just like home only a bigger kid! LOL! It was so cute having the little 1st graders and Kindergartners hug me and ask me to help. AND it was amazing seeing how the 4th and 5th graders all clean the tables and mop the floors to help out Mrs. K, the custodian, not because they are asked or required too but because they volunteer everyday because they want to. I love CATHOLIC school and amazingly good kids. Every single child told me thank you in the lunch line today, EVERYONE! My kids are EXACTLY where they are supposed to be and no one could convince me differently.
J came up to me and said "Mom, I had to tell on someone today! Emma called me Jackson Sock" I had to laugh and got the "Mom, THAT is NOT funny, we do not call names and that is not my name" I asked why she called him that and apparently when I pulled his winter coat out of the dryer this morning, he had a sock stuck to it. I told him to be thankful that it wasn't a pair of underwear! LOL! He did not find that funny. He handed me the sock after lunch and told me to take it home. Ha!
Last Friday after lunch, the principal, Mrs. Keith went outside for lunch recess. Jackson and his buddy, Jack (who happens to be Mrs. Keith's son) were watching her and Jackson tells me when I pick him up "Mommy, Mrs. Keith was watching everyone at recess, that means someone did something REALLY bad. Jack and I think that this kid stole someone else's milk and he was in trouble but we don't know. BUT we're going to find out" Then Jack decided he would be on a mission when he got home to find out from his Mommy who and why the kid on the playground was in trouble. LOL!
I love the Kindergarten and 1st graders, they are my FAVORITE!! So cute and want you to hug them and acknowledge them.
Then, after the 3 lunch rushes, I went back to work and served snacks for Pre-K, copied for pre-k, put a bug center together, did a picture project, and then made 30 baby Jesus mangers for the Preschool class out of baby food containers. We recycle EVERYTHING. LOL! Now tonight, I am cutting out Advent characters and making them into ornaments with yarn for all the Advent trees at school. I LOVE it and will be sad to go back to work.
We close on this house Friday at 3pm and our new house next Friday the 19th. Yay!! Time for this to be over!
Soph has been bringing me a diaper when she wants to be changed and she says "Spongebob" so clear. Funny. I think she will be my easiest to potty train and we will start next month.
Well, my legs are killing me and today wore me out so off to bed I go!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Best Birthday Candles Ever

These were the best birthday candles ever! LOL! I think Mom lit them at least 3 times so J and C could keep blowing them out. We even had to sing "Happy Birthday" to Tootie per her request

Princess Tootie

Tootie begged me for this Cinderella costume on sale at the shoe store. She wore it for 2 days until I forced her to take it off so I could wash it. LOL!

Wheezy, Mom and Dad's cat was letting Soph pet her and we couldn't figure out why she would let little Soph pet her. Well come to find out, she was taking a bowl of catfood in and feeding it to her while she laid down.

J and Pop's Birthday Party

Mom had J and Pop's birthday party, today. We had a great time visiting and catching up. Baby Asher has gotten so big and I LOVED snuggling him and rocking him. J got so many nice things. And when he and Tootie were distracted, Soph poked right in and started playing. It was so cute!
I apologize, I'm a little behind on my thank you's because of the whole house moving thing.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Well, it's a little crazy around here right now, but I have a great story. A native American woman came to J's class to talk yesterday. She was explaining that back then women made the teepees and the homes, the men went and hunted. She said she bet not any of the moms could build a house. Jackson immediately raised his hand and said "Oh, my mom can build a house" and the Native American said "Well, yes but I'm sure your dad would help her". He said "Nope, she can do all that stuff by herself". It was great! I was so happy that Mrs. B shared that story. At, least for a little while longer I will be his Wonder Woman!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

House Update

Thank you all for your prayers. They helped us soooo much! It has been a long journey that has taught us an abundance of patience. We will be closing in Nov. We are still hoping for the 12th but it may be more like 17th. At least we know what is going on now. Yayyyyy!!!! We will be in our house by Thanksgiving! Yippeee!!!!