Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stage Makeup

Here are some pics when we got home from the Rehearsal today

It's Dance Recital time

It's almost time for the girls's dance recital. The theme is "Fire and Ice". Sophi is dancing to "Feelin Hot, Hot, Hot". She looks like a dancing jalapeno. She is soooooo cute. She has the big Red Flower on the side of her head. Caroline's tap routine is to "Rich Girl" and she's got the bling. Her ballet costume is gorgeous. I wasn't sure how they would do letting me put in a tight top bun, but they were anticipating the stage makeup so they were very patient. We had to get up EARLY this morning to do hair and makeup to get the the dance academy for pictures and dress rehearsal. We had to be there at 830 but we made it and they did GREAT. They were so cute. I can't wait to get the pics back and post them. I was so rushed that I totally forgot my phone and camera. So I didn't get any pictures there. Darn It!!! Here are some previews of the costumes from the night the girls got them. And some pics of them with their stage makeup on :)  The recital is Sunday June 4th at Plainfield High School starting at 1pm.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Caroline's Birthday Fairy

Miss Caroline got a Fairy for her birthday. I found this cute fairy on and it appears to be a real captured fairy. There is this little movie on youtube that tells about these fairies and that they are from another realm. When they come here, they need magic pixie silk to fly and they must be attached to a believer (by a barrett). It is really adorable. Jackson is even floored by her. It took him a couple days to figure out that she is not real, but my girls are still believers. I love this magical age. Here she is with her Forest Fairy.

This bidding process is coming along with the house but my goodness it is a long process. We wanted to wait until April to make sure the frost was done and our basement never cracks so we wait and now we are picking out everything. Our stone and brick bid came back at $51,000 it's back to the drawing board for our masonry. Hopefully, we will break ground by May 1st. The rental house gets smaller and smaller everyday :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Egg Huntin

Easter Egg Hunting at Nene and Pop's

Easter Basket Opening at Nene and Popper's

Friday, April 13, 2012

Cute Little Easter Outfits

I love the princess cowgirl hats!

THe Easter Bunny makes an appearance

Tootie blowing out her candles

The Birthday Song

Time for Kite Flying!

Time to Fly Kites

The Race is On!

Easter and Birthday at Nene and Pop's

What a great time we had at Mom and Dad's on Tootie's birthday. Mom had a birthday lunch and party for Brad and Tootie's birthday. Then we had Easter and a great Egg Hunt and finished the day flying kites. I'm not sure who had more fun flying kites...the kids or the adults? It was a great day and FABULOUS meal!!! The kids were overjoyed all day.

Dying Easter Eggs

We had a busy week the first week of Easter but we still made time to dye Easter eggs. Sophi was THRILLED this year.

J is doing great with school. He still doesn't care to read, but if he chooses a Dr. Seuss book for his AR tests, he LOVES it. He's my little math geek. Mrs. Drury can't believe that he knows negative numbers and multiplication. He's a little bored at school in Math class so we have to keep him challenged :)

Miss Tootie is definitely ready for Kindergarten.