Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallow's Eve

J has had his costume on since 4pm and insists on us calling him Batman, not Jackson. So when he gets in trouble, it is "Batman did it not Jackson". He even ate pizza at Monical's with his mask on. We went to Mark and Staci's and Mark and Eric took Morgan and Jackson trick or treating. They were gone for a couple of hours it seemed like and came back with their bags full. People even handed out stickers, things to put on crocs, pirate eye patches, tatoos, it was crazy. They both ran the whole time, they kept saying "This is the best Halloween ever". They later dumped their candy out on the kitchen floor to see what they got. Tootie and I went around the cul de sac and she was way in front of me, she even tried to walk through somebody's screen door. When we would pass out candy, she would start to follow them. She had so much fun. When she bent over it looked like she was spraying us with her skunk tail. We stayed and played cards, the kids were all hopped up on their candy and finally went to be when we got home at 10pm. Some of my pics are blurry I forgot I had messed with my aperture earlier in the day. Mark got some great pics of Jackson trick or treating, so when he sends them to me I will post them. On the way home, J was being awnry so I told him that ghosts would jump out of the woods and eat his sweet body from all the candy, he told me "Naw, Batman Jackson put them all in jail, their aren't any ghosts out here" Ah, foiled again. GREAT HALLOWEEN!!

Halloween Preschool Party

Today started with me cleaning house and the Tahoe. How exciting!! Then, me, C, and J got ready for Jackson's preschool Halloween party. Phyllis and Karla graciously had Caroline go into the toddler room and participate in their party. I went with J and his class had cookie decorating. It was fun. The yellow room had dog ears on and were all dalmations, the blue room had their faces painted like cats, and Jackson's room all had made crowns, yesterday, so they were the Kings and Queens of Halloween. The kids were just scooping up the icing and eating gloms of it. They were so wired and the day had only just begun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My baby is 4!!!!!!

I can't believe he is 4. He has changed so much and has such a little man's personality and a big man's attitude. At 9:10 am 4 years ago, Eric Jackson Saupp was born.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

You Can Tell It's Late because I posted some pics twice

Batman's Evil Face

More Batman Birthday Pics

Jackson's Birthday Party

Today, we had J and Pop's birthday. I can't believe he is 4, already. It doesn't seem possible at all. He was so excited for all his presents and I'm not sure he was as good as all the presents said he was. You will have to see the pile of presents. He loved everyone and was so overwhelmed with how he was going to play with all of them. My best friend and her husband were over, Tina and Shane, Arabella and Savannah, and Craig and Nichole, Mom and Dad, Mamma (Pamps was sick), and Gig and Pamps. Aunt Cindy sent a gift to have for that day, too. He had to wear his batman costume all day, of course. And we were all instructed to call him Batman. When he got in trouble he would say, "it wasn't Jackson it was Batman because he's rough" He finally passed out from the sugar high on the way home. Tootie, however, made it all the way home without falling asleep, but the car to bed transfer worked beautifully for both of them. So Eric and I have had a very peaceful evening.

More Pumpkin Pics

The Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch on Sat on the way to Mom and Dad's. It seems like everything is so expensive anymore. It was windy and chilly but I think the kids really enjoyed it. This pregnant woman got burnt out on the mazes really fast. J and Eric did all the mazes. Tootie led me out of the Wooden Maze. It was difficult. I love the pic of her as Pumpkin Queen.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us

Well, Eric and I were married 5 years ago, today. It doesn't seem like that long, however, I have been pregnant for exactly half of that time frame. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband. It was so hard in the beginning to adjust to living together and feeling appreciated. I compared him to my dad and he to his mom. Things have changed and feel so appreciated. Everyday, he comes home and tells me how nice the house looks, he still thanks me for dinner every night, and most important he said he admires me for staying home. He tells me I have the most important job in the world. "I bring home a paycheck for a job, you get to teach our children our morals, manners, beliefs, and many other things". I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and I wouldn't change a thing about my life!!!!

Last night, we went to the Alamo and had a steak for dinner and went to see "Fireproof", which was the first movie we have seen together since "The Passion". We had so much fun, and thanks Mom and Dad for babysitting.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Here come Batman

Jackson got his Batman costume in the mail the today and it was really hard to get him to take it off. I think he wants to wear it to his birthday party. I caught him checking himself out in the mirror.

Drum Roll Please

So I have worked on the birthday cakes for the last 2 days. This was the first time that I have ever attempted buttercream transfers. I learned a lot from myself. Like use large coloring sheets with no as much detail. And don't use so many colors. I had to make like 12 different icing colors. I used a whole bottle of blue food coloring. Making your own black coloring takes a lot of blue. So those of you who have never done this, this is what you do: Jackson wanted Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Jesse, Bullseye, The pig, Rex, and Slinky on his cakes. So I found his coloring sheets, taped them to different cutting boards, put plastic wrap over and taped tight to the coloring sheets, then I made black buttercream icing and piped the outline to all of the outline on the sheets, then I made the different colors and piped them into the right spots, then I stuck them in the freezer, next year I need a smaller attachment for piping eyes and small details for the face, then you take your background color and thin it with karo syrup or milk and spread it over the character then freeze overnight. When you ice your cake or cakes in my situation. You take them out of the freezer flip them onto your cake where you want and then pipe a border around them. I think I had to make 4 batches of butter cream which is 4lb. of powdered sugar, 2c crisco, 2 c. of butter, vanilla, and 8 TBSP of milk total. I didn't have enough room for all the characters so I let Jackson pick a character and eat it. He chose Buzz so he ate Buzz Lightyear and had a huge sugar rush and lots of fits.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jackson's Preschool Party

We had Jackson' preschool party, today. It was so much fun. I made frog cupcakes and the kids were so excited. Jackson got to sit at the head of the table and Caroline stood right next to him and loved all the attention from the older kids. We spent the day at the doctor's yesterday since Miss Caroline has croup, but, today, she was soooooo much better. I spent the rest of the day making buttercream transfers for J's "Toy Story" cake. That is quite a big undertaking. I took some pics of Jackson's class projects. I, especially, like Jackson caught in the spider web. I have chosen a daughter in law. This last pic with the little blonde in the yellow shirt, her name is Kendal and she is a doll. She is the one who told Jackson he looked handsome at the fall concert and she wanted to sit next to him, today. She is soooo cute

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tribute to Poppie and Dad and Chuck

Poppie's Birthday Online Celebrations...Guess who's 58!!!


The New pumpkin carving

Okay so our pumpkins were carved a little too early so they turned to a pile of mush so we re carved, tonight.

Addison's Pumpkin Party

I took Jackson to his friend from school's pumpkin day. We were a little late because Staci and I were finishing up with the garage sale. We missed the pumpkin carving and hay ride but made it for apple bobbing, weiner roast and marshmallows, and pumpkin lighting. He had a great time.

It was funny because when we arrived Jackson would say "Mommy, this is Kendall's mommy, and this is Kelsey's mommy, and this is Addison's dad" Isn't funny how we lose our identities and become somebody's mommy. But by the end of the night we were all on a first name basis.

That night, I told Kendall's mom that Kendall had told Jackson he looked handsome in his tie at the fall concert, he said "Mooooooooom, stop talking about that". He was so embarassed. Then, I was telling Dad about it on the phone and Jackson overheard me and said "Mom, I thought you weren't going to talk about that, anymore" So hilarious!