Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You will notice Sophi on the bleachers sitting. Well, she went over to 2 strangers, shoved them over by saying "excuse me, excuse me", then she planted her butt right there. LOL!

Caroline's Pre-K Christmas Program

Tonight was Caroline's Christmas Program at school. She was so excited. She has been practicing her songs around the house for quite sometime. She is my little singer. She let me curl her hair tonight and she let me put glitter liner around her eyes. She is my little Diva.

Soph boogied down. She ran out with the preschoolers and started jamming. She is my dancer. You should see her breakdance move!! She is also my cookie hoarder. She would sneak into the school kitchen, grab a handful of cookies and come back. I caught onto her after a few times.

J insisted on wearing his suit since the girls were dressing up, too. AND his girlfriend Rylee was going to be there. He stood next to her but they didn't talk. Too funny!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great time at Nene and Pop's for Thanksgiving!!! Gig and Mamma were able to make it. Auntie Nic is about ready to pop!! 3 cm and 100% effaced...come on baby girl Hendry! Soph and Ashy had a blast playing dollies. J, C, and Pop were watching J play the DS. THe whole family played Jingo----Christmas Bingo and we had a blast. Soph didn't want anyone to touch her Bingo chips. It was hilarious. J and C love games and had a blast. All 3 spent the night since I had to work on Friday. They played games....and Tootie beat Nene 4 times at Memory!!! AND during Jingo without anyone helping her...Tootie read the word "Rudolph". She loves singing right now and Gig recited "Little Boy Blue"...she loved it so much she had to hear it 3 times and she loved to hear that Mommy used to respond when Gig and Nene recited to her "Who will wake him?...NO NOT I...For if I do...he may cwwwwyyyyy" Poor Ash got a little sneak peak of having sisters when Tootie and Soph were fighting over a Barbie and he was sitting with them. He just kept staring and would go back and forth between the girls with his eyes...and they were big as half dollars. LOL!!! What a great time! It always goes by WAYYYYYY TOOOOO FASTTTTT

Super Mario on the Wii

Well J officially beat Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. I have to admit that I took a large interest in playing with him :) and so did Tootie. He has become quite the good little gamer.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jackson's first Class Mass

Last Thursday, Jackson's class organized their first mass for the year. I was so proud of him! Luckily, this was my day to work from home so I was able to watch. He had a long part and was concerned he wouldn't be able to memorize it, but he did a great job. He led the prayer portion and had a special insert added the day before. Our principal, Mrs. Keith's mother-in-law passed away the day before so a special prayer was added to Jackson's part. I loved watching him whip his left arm out to the side and say "Lord, Hear our prayer" Litte Megan Thompson is quite a bit shorter and needed a step stool on top of another step stool. Sweet Jackson said "Hold on, Megan." Then he went over and prepared her step stool for her and told her to come on back over. He was so proud that he never needed to look at his paper.

Jackson story: His computer froze up in lab and he was taking a reading test. The teacher came over and asked his computer froze up and he says "Oh, it's worse than that. It's iced over!"

Caroline sees her friend get in trouble and go to time out for a bad attitude. When her friend comes out of time out she says "You better change your attitude. Do you know what happens if you can't change your attitude? You have to go get a shot. My mom gives shots to kids with bad attitudes everyday" Ha Ha!!! I love it.

The picture is from my phone. I didn't want to be disrespectful and take a video camera or camera into church :(

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating 2011

Last night was the best Halloween EVER!! The kids are all at the perfect age and just love it!! Sophi especially loved it last night. Jackson, Caroline, and Morgan would run from door to door while Sophi was a little behind. I asked Sophi if she wanted me to go to the doors with her and she says "No, Mama. I go" She would go to the door and say "Twick or Tweat" and she would open her bag and say "Thank you" wave and say "Bye Bye" She continuously had a sucker in her right hand and her candy purse in her left hand!! If she finished a sucker or dropped one she would say "Wait Mama" while she pulled another one out of her bag. She had no fear. They had all kinds of scary props last night and a lady made the comment that Soph wasn't afraid of anything. I said "Nope to her Halloween is this great day where nice people give her candy" I would ask if we could skip a couple of houses to catch up to J and C but she said no. She was afraid she would miss out on candy.

We went up to a house with a scarecrow hanging on right next to the door. It had a pumpkin head on it and the eyes lit up and it did this scream when you walked close to it. Soph went up by herself and it made the scary sound. She just looked at it and said "Hi Pumpkin Guy". She got her candy and told the pumpkin guy bye. Then she saw older kids walking up and said "Hey guys, there's a Pumpkin Guy up there". It was soooo cute. Some older girls walked by and said that she was the cutest Strawberry Shortcake they had ever seen and she says "Yeah. Thanks guys" So cuteeeeeeeeeee! I loved every minute with them last night.