Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny hid a lot of eggs at our house! 47 plastic eggs with stickers, candy, and coins, and 10 colored eggs. I woke him up about 8:30am and we had to wake up Sean and Les, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa. He found every egg and even left one out for Sissy. He hunted inside and outside. Found his basket full of toys in the bathtub! Caroline found her basket and crawled to it under the coffee table. We played for awhile and then went to church. It was packed; our church holds 475 people in the cathedral and there were 600. We had to stand in the gally, but I think it was better for the kids. They were excellent. J played on the floor with his tractors and Eric held Caroline and gave her a sippy. They were so cute and did an excellent job.

When we got home. Jackson found his brand new first bike that the Easter bunny brought. He kept saying, "I don't need my helmet" Then he wiped out and came running inside and said "Mom, I need to find my helmet". He is so funny. He looked great in his tie and Little C in her green polka dot dress.

Sean and Les went to bed early tonight because of there 6:40 am flight tomorrow. Yuk! Can't believe it's already over. Where does the time go? We are going to miss them so much. We had such a good time. I would love to make this an annual ritual. Jackson kept trying to convince Uncle Sean to take him back with him on the airplane.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Easter Preparations

Today was so much fun! We all got up around 9am, maybe a little earlier. Jackson came up to me and said "Mom, can I please go wake Sean and Lesley up?" Then he would run back down and say "can you go open their door for me?" He finally got up enough nerve, went in, they pretended they were asleep, and he jumped on them. Later I heard him sneak into Grandma and give this little, quiet "Hi!". We colored easter eggs with the kids and had a great time. The guys went to the store where they were mistakenly charge 24$ for a half pound of potato salad.

John and Joanne kept the kids and Sean, Les, me and Eric went to Claddaugh's Irish Pub for dinner and drinks. It was awesome. I had toasted lobster ravioli and potato soup. So good! Then we walked over to Stone Creek for cocktails in the Metropolis Center. Finally, we were on a mission to find a Tonka bike. We found it 3 stores later. The Easter Bunny was so proud. We came home and both kids were in bed and they had a wonderful night with Grandma and Grandpa. (Even though, bedtimes aren't in Grandpa's contract) Ha!

Friday, March 21, 2008

The New York Company arrives

Today was the day. Sean and Lesley pulled in about 3:00pm in there black Mustang convertible with the top down, since the temperature was 62 degrees. It was beautiful and sunny. I told them I knew it was them because only New Yorkers would have the top down here with that temperature. Ha! Jackson immediately, latched on to Uncle Sean and wanted him to go here and there and scare him and hold him and play with him. Uncle Sean was a great sport. He did everything Jackson wanted to with him. To scared to hold baby Caroline today.

John and Joanne drove in a little after, it was about 5pm or maybe 5:30pm. We visited outside for awhile and had tuna noodle casserole. Last Friday in Lent! We stayed up and visited but I know they were tired from the trip. I can't wait for more bedrooms. John and Joanne stayed on the Aerobed in the dining room, Jackson on an air mattress in our room, us in our bed, Sean and Les in Jackson's bed, and Tootie in her crib. I think everyone was comfortable, though. We had a great time catching up!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Night Before Company

I finally made it to my headache clinic appointment at the right day and time. Hopefully, I found a cure for my migraines. There was an unbelievable person who was there a little after me. The receptionist was taking my insurance card and this terribly rude man butted in front of me and asked the receptionist if she was done waiting on me and could she please address him. Apparently, he was an hour late for his appointment and continued to argue with the secretary that it was her responsibility on the phone to give him directions, especially when she saw that his zip code was out of town. She finally said "Ok, where are we at? Do you want to reschedule or not?" I simply would have told him to find an office that suited him. What nerve. I tell you people in Indiana are so different even from just Illinois across the border. I have problems with good customer service and friendly people. People aren't like that in Illinois, the south, or upstate New York for that matter.

So after I got my haircut, I picked up the kids and took them to see the Easter Bunny. J looks like the perfect child on his lap. He loved him so much. He wanted to cut in line in front of a bunch of girls to get to him to give him a big hug. Caroline wasn't scared she just was mesmerized by the Easter Bunny's pretty eyes. When we got in the car Jackson wanted to go back and give him a huge hug. So cute!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back to Work

Nothing productive, today, except work. I hope Eric remembered to bring the kids nap items to school and didn't forget the summer supply fee. Can't reach him, I bet he over slept.

No one is answering their phones, today. Called Mom and Dad to see how much damage Ted and Donna had and what they needed, but they're not answering either.

Losing My Mind

So after 10 years of migraines and many different trials with things to prevent, I finally made an appointment at the St. Vincent headache clinic in Carmel, which I might add is 1hr 20 minutes from the house. I struggled to get the kids dropped off and make it by 9 am, of course, I went on the wrong day. See what having infants does to you!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pacers vs. Knicks

What a great St. Patrick's Day. Jackson can tell you the story of the patron saint Patrick. Eric and I had Staci watch the kids and we had won tickets to the Legends Club seating at the Pacers and Knicks game. So we got to eat and watch the games. There goes the diet!! They had 7 different stations for eating with pretzles and cheese, hotdogs, reubens, Irish nachos, beef and noodles, turkey fried subs and free drinks. It was so good we were stuffed. Then after the half they had dessert stations. I managed to use my will power and only had 1 lonely chocolate chip cookie. My husband however, had to keep reminding me to walk slowly out to the car. It was a close game and the half time show was awesome. They had 7 and 8 year olds spinning balls and doing somersaults and flips. It was better than the game.

Staci, however, had a bit of a rough night with Little C, as soon as she put her down in the crib for bed, she immediately knew it was not her bed. She fussed and cried until Staci laid down on the couch with her. Then, she was fine.

Jackson was so funny. He wore his Thomas train footed pj's, plastic clogs, orange face mask, red jacket, and skull gloves. He was a sight I would never forget. We got home fairly early about 10pm and Eric insisted on installing the stove.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

And The Remodeling Continues

Well, today we decided to button up a few projects left from the new bathroom. I reconfirmed the thought of never let a man go to buy paint. While I worked on some things for work with my laptop, Eric and Jackson went to Lowe's. They came back with a stove twice as expensive as I wanted to spend, the wrong trim paint, satin spray paint instead of semi gloss, and no vent covers.. Seriously, he had a list! Well, I got the magazine rack painted, the quilt rack stained, and the triwork painted. We got the new bedroom door installed, and we ended up going back in to town and stopped at Pizza Hut.

Caroline had breadsticks with cheese an tomato sauce for the first time and you should have seen her face light up. She smacked her gums so hard, people outside could here her. Jackson on the other hand, was too busy playing tractors under the booth on the floor than wanting to eat. Well, we got our groceries and Eric went back to Lowe's and got the right stuff. Mission completed

The Mary Kay Party

So the kids and I drove to Mom and Dad's on Friday morning after the 7 loads of laundry I had to catch up on. Can I just say thank you God for the invention of portable DVD players because my kids couldn't make it 2 hours without a movie in the car. I still had to stop to get the pacifier, rewind the movie, get gas, threaten the 3 year old to stop aggravating his sister, etc. BUT alas, we made it.

Do Dad babysat BOTH the kids while mom and I went to Aunt Sheryle's. Dad said it was classic to watch Jackson in action with Little C. Apparently, Caroline started fussing while rocking on Pop's lap. Jackson, while laying on the floor with his feet propped up, said " Pop you need to fix her a bottle". So Dad did, and behold it worked. A little bit later, she started fussing again, and Jackson told Pop it was time to change her diaper so Dad took her into the bathroom counter and she had a stinky diaper, so Jackson said "She stinks, I'm leaving" but Poppie told him "Oh no, Buddy, if I have to stay and do this so do you". It wasn't too long after that that Mom got a phone call and left a little early to put the kids in bed because bedtimes are not in Pop's contract. Ha!

It was a great party thanks to Aunt Sheryle. Lots of great food and 7 lovely ladies who I haven't seen for quite a few years. Lots of makeup was tried on and thanks to all of them for their generous purchases.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What kids can do to a car

Today, was relaxation day. Not in a hurry to get home to IN since Eric was working on some computer issues at work. So I decided to clean out the Tahoe after a LONG winter. It took me 4 hours and a whole bottle of Mom's Blue Mountain SUPER carpet cleaner. There were more french fries and sicky stucker sticks under Jackson's seat, mud on the front carpets, sticky EVERYWHERE! Finally, a clean vehicle. Let's see how long it lasts. It is wonderful sometimes after a long day of work so those sticky little handprints on the windows.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

First Broken Promise

So I'm catching up a little bit. I was only signed up to work an 8 hour shift, today and promised Jackson to pick him up at school. Well, of course, we were short staffed and they needed a nurse to taking a vented baby which a lot of the new nurses can't do so I agreed to stay for a full 12 hour shift for double time. Seriously, how do you resist that? I called Eric and told him to explain why I had to break my promise. When Eric picked him up at school, he said, "What are you doing here? Where's Mom?" After the explanation he understood, but I don't think I have ever felt so bad.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What the Heck?

My peave for the day is how the heck do people get to stay at home full time without making sacrifices. I don't choose to be home fulltime because I would pull my hair out. However, I work 2 twelve hour shifts a week, which fortunately for me allows me to bring home what someone with a good job at a full time salary brings home. It kills me that people quit their jobs and can still have everything they want. How does this happen? Who are these people? Because I want their lifestyle.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The day of the tornado

What a rough day. I was so tired from working the weekend. I hate these days. I feel like it takes me two full days to recoupe after working the whole weekend. And of course, the kids have to readjust, too. Bad moods, today! Wooooooey!

I have felt dizzy and nauseated all day. I think it's because I am so tired. I don't know if I will ever get to sleep through the night again. That doesn't just mean the kids but Eric's snoring, too. So ready to move to a new house with a nice guest bedroom which will allow some R and R, hopefully. The kids are reading know, well Jackson is reading his beginner's bible to Caroline. Yeah, Monday's over!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Little C is Walking!!

Caroline started taking steps last weekend. She held out her hand and walked 2 steps from her crawl kitchen to the entertainment center. Then she plopped down on her butt. She has become a little speed crawler the past few days. Of course, Jackson has his eyes and ears on her at all times. He got in trouble at preschool last week for pushing a little girl. I asked him why he pushed her and he said to me "Well, Kylie gets in trouble everyday for biting" so I asked if she bit him and he said she did NOT. So I ask again, why did you push her? and the response this time was "Mom, I have absolutely no idea!" Little boys are so awnry.

Nichole booked her tickets for California for her shower, yesterday. If I can get Nini to babysit for the weekend, this Mama's going to Cali for a few days before the Florida family vacation starts.
Eric is at home with the kids while I work at the hospital, today. He loves the weekends I work!