Saturday, June 28, 2008

J's funnies

Jackson has been so cute lately. He could not wait to see the ultrasound pics of the baby, but I don't think they are quite what he expected. On Thursday night, I took him to bed and he said "I know you're tired Mom so you don't have to read or sing to me tonight, we can just lay here" So sweet. I was picking Raspberries yesterday, and he came out and decided to fix the grill in his new 4th of July shirt. Needless to say, he had grease up to his elbows. Then, he told me that the toilet overflowed but he fixed it. Ought Oh!!!! He had the plunger in there and it had wet toilet paper on it and all over the floor. He also answered the phone when my work called and told them that I couldn't talk to him because I was watching "Max and Ruby". He is so hilarious. What would I do without him????

Caroline is doing handstands on the floor. Her new favorite thing is to bend over in the middle of the floor without anything around her and stand up and balance until she falls over. Her new favorite thing to say is to point at Jackson and say "baaaaaddddd". They are playing together so well. The play with matchbox cars together and run them on the floor. She gets so thrilled when he hands her a toy and wants to play.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Babies Galore!

Wow, it seems like everybody is pregnant. Patrick and Tracee are 21 weeks due with their first in November. My friend, Kristen had a little girl on 6/12 Emma Kate. Tina is due in a couple of weeks. Jenny had her baby. Then of course, their is me. My first ultrasound is Thursday morning. Not too much else. This is going to be my easy child, I can feel it. No morning sickness so far. I've got a migraine, today, but I always have 1 in my first trimester.

Not too much else is going on. Jackson and I had VBS all week during the evenings. He wanted to stay with my big kid group I was teaching. Miss Liz persuaded him to go to his preschool class, but he always met up with me at snack time, outside time, and song time at the end. We had fun together, though. I think Daddy and Tootie had a fun week together, too.

Eric feels fine, now. No more residual effects from the bite. Not too much else going on.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Snake Bite

So, Eric and Mark went golfing on Thurs. afternoon after work. Eric decided to pee in the woods out on the 16th hole. When he came out of the woods, Mark noticed that Eric had blood running down his leg, but he DIDNT feel anything. He came home and we put some antibiotic ointment on it. The next day at work, at his leg hurt so bad he called me and asked me to make him a dr appointment, which is not like him at all. He left work and they thought maybe it was a double hornet sting. They removed what they couldn't tell if it was a stinger or a blood clot. Later, he got soooo sick. He was vomiting, his belly felt like it was going to explode, he had numbness and tingling in all four extremities. I made him go back to the dr on Monday, and we found that it was actually a snake bite. Go figure!! We think he also might have had some kind of a bug...kind of like a red herring type of thing. He is much better now, but his leg still looks really nasty. I'll post pics later.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back from paradise

Well, we are back from paradise as of Monday evening. It was a long drive home. The kids did much better than expected, though. Then we got those awful storms on Tues. Lightning hit the flagpole while I was putting clothes away in Caroline's room. It about gave me a heart attack. I've never seen lightning that close. Then I think we got like 6 inches of rain. It was a mess driving to work yesterday morning with all of the flooding. J and Caroline were excited to go back to preschool. Caroline dove right out of my arms into Karla's and then into her school stroller. J told me he was bored and had to go to school. Work was actually refreshing, too. Things will change with this 3 rd baby. Yes, you heard me correctly. I am due the end of Jan. Yeah!!!!!!