Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sprinkler Fun 2012

The kids have had a great summer so far. The kiddos have been swimming a lot. We took the kiddos and Brooke to Splash Island last weekend. We spent a lot of time in the lazy river. The kids love their slip n slide that Nikki bought them. However, with the ground being so crispy, they complain that it hurts like crazy. I can't believe school starts August 9th. Ughhhh!!! I know it's getting close because the uniform sale is July 11th. Jackson is ready but Caroline is nervous about Kindergarten. J said the funniest thing the other day. He was playing his video game and says "Oh my gosh, Becky". I ask him who Becky is and he says "MOM do you not know that song...Oh my God Becky look at her butt" I asked him where he heard that and he couldn't remember. LOL! He is at that age where he asks a million questions and the other day he says "Mom, do you know who the smartest man in the world is?" and I say that I don't believe so..."He says, Steven Hawking, he's a theoretical physicist who talks with his eyes". LOL!! Brad later asks him if he knows what a theoretical physicist is and he says "Yes, someone with really smart ideas who just can't prove them" :) He just pulls things out of the air. I love it. We close on the construction on July 12th. Finally, the appraisal took a month. Everything takes so long and no one is in a hurry. Groundbreaking is on Friday the 13th. I will keep you posted with updates and pictures.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dance Recital 2012

The girls performed in their Dance Recital, today :) They did a marvelous job. However, my video camera did not and only got a chunk of Sophi's dance and part of Caroline's tap. Ughh. That's ok. They are selling the dvd so I will just have to buy a copy. Sophi's pre k class performed to "Hot Hot Hot" and Caroline's ballet was to "Burnin" and her tap was to "Rich Girls". They did a wonderful job and loved the stage. Caroline was thrilled that Nene, Pop, Daddy, Jackson, Brad, Grandma Theresa, and Mommy could all be there. She felt like she had a fan club and loved all the attention. The girls loved their carnations and roses that they received and their new trophies :) What a beautiful show :)