Saturday, October 31, 2009

Funny Halloween pics

J was pretending to give Mark a haircut and Tootie was telling him not to cut it too short.

The other pics are of Eric trying on Marks' mullett wig. I laughed so hard when he tried this on!

Happy Halloween!

We had a great night. It was our 3rd annual Witt-Saupp Halloween where we went over to Mark and Staci's and ate pizza, let the kids go crazy and play for awhile until the timer goes off for the designated trick or treat hours. Mark and Eric took the older kids and Stac, myself, and the Tootsie Roll passed out candy to all the treaters. The kids had a blast and went thru quite a few neighborhoods. Staci's dentist actually has a great plan. For every pound of wrapped Halloween candy you bring in, you get credit on your bill and they send the candy to the troops overseas.

Anyway, we were all done and visiting while the kids pilfered thru the candy and ate what they could before we noticed, then Tootie walks up to me and with that surprised little look says "Go Tweetin, Mommy" I told her we already went it was over and she says "Again, Again!" I said all done this year and she started to cry. She was totally into it this year. Check out our super hero stance. Did I thank Mama, Nene, Aunt Sheryle, and Grandma Jo for all the extra little Halloween candy they sent. Yah!!!! Eric said to tell you all he had a big belly ache! Ha Ha! Just kidding, the kids had a great and memorable Halloween. Thank you!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

5 Years With Jackson

Trunk or Treat

J had his Halloween party at school, today. So he got to go dressed up in his Wolverine costume. When we picked him up the school and church had "trunk or treat" but since it was raining, they had it in the gym for kids of all ages. For those of you who don't know what "trunk or treat" is, it is a safe way for kids not to go house to house. Instead people who belong to the church or teacher's at the school dress up and have wrapped candy out of their trunks in one big circle and the kids go trunk to trunk in a circle to get their candy. OK, mass chaos. I dressed the girls up to and there were probably about 400 people there. I had Sophi in my left arm, my camera, purse, Tootie's arm covers, and whatever else J handed me in the right hand. My arms were killing me until I got thru. They had a great time, though.

Soph had her 9month visit today. Great progress. She is 21lb 4oz on the 75th percentile, 30in over the 95th percentile for weight. She's going to be tall like J and C. She was happy she didn't get shots, today and Dr. Duck was dressed up like a Pirate, Dr. Gill was Minnie Mouse, Dr. Cosgrove was Captain America and all the nurses and secretaries were dressed up, too so the kids loved it!!

I made witches fingers out of breadsticks and pumpkin seeds around cups with cheesy popcorn for J's party. The head room mother asked me to bring the salty snack. This really made me put my thinking cap on to figure out a creative salty snack for Halloween theme!

More trick or treatin at Mark and Staci's subdivision, tomorrow. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Leaves

Today, the kids and I worked on yard work. So far, I have 2 really good rakers. They loved jumping in the piles. Here are some pics I took, today.

Can you believe my J is 5? We had lots of celebrations yesterday. He woke up and got to open another present. I made cookies with J's and 5's on them for his class. Then he came home and I fixed his dinner of choice (Spaghetti-O's...I can handle that). Then he had a monster birthday cake for dessert and another present. He had a day full of phone calls and cards. Thanks so much for making him feel so special, everybody.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sophi's 9month pictures

I took some 9 month pics of Sophi, today. Here are some of my favs.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today 6yrs of Wedded Bliss

Sophi's Tricks

The Magnificent Tootie

Tootie has her own pair of pink Vampire teeth that you see. She has been wearing them all day. Sophi was clapping for Boogie while he played his new Spiderman computer game. It was like Christmas at our house. J and Eric went to Lowe's and Tootie put on all of J's birthday paraphanalia and played with all the things he wouldn't let her when he was home.

Fun the next day

Tootie had a blast dancing with Chuck E. Cheese. She got on stage and watched herself in the monitor.

Sophi had a ball opening her Halloween bags from Nene and Aunt Sheryle.

J was trying out his vampire teeth from Uncle Ron

More Birthday Fun