Monday, April 28, 2008

The Garbage Disposal incident

I am so proud of myself. Eric was working very hard on the bathroom remodel this past weekend and when he was done, he got the garage ready for my sale this weekend. In the meantime, my garbage disposal started making a weird sound and then had no power at all. So Eric said "Well, I guess we'll go buy a new one this weekend". I knew he was tired of working on stuff at that point and took it upon myself to fix it while he was at work the next day. So I called my trusty, handyman guy, Dad and he walked me through taking it apart. I did it and found that the culprit was a pesky bone of some sort. I fixed it and put it back. Whew!!! What a surprised but grateful husband I had.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're supposed to feedthe remains of your last victim to the hogs... garbage disposals can break down too easily and leave too much DNA.