Saturday, June 28, 2008

J's funnies

Jackson has been so cute lately. He could not wait to see the ultrasound pics of the baby, but I don't think they are quite what he expected. On Thursday night, I took him to bed and he said "I know you're tired Mom so you don't have to read or sing to me tonight, we can just lay here" So sweet. I was picking Raspberries yesterday, and he came out and decided to fix the grill in his new 4th of July shirt. Needless to say, he had grease up to his elbows. Then, he told me that the toilet overflowed but he fixed it. Ought Oh!!!! He had the plunger in there and it had wet toilet paper on it and all over the floor. He also answered the phone when my work called and told them that I couldn't talk to him because I was watching "Max and Ruby". He is so hilarious. What would I do without him????

Caroline is doing handstands on the floor. Her new favorite thing is to bend over in the middle of the floor without anything around her and stand up and balance until she falls over. Her new favorite thing to say is to point at Jackson and say "baaaaaddddd". They are playing together so well. The play with matchbox cars together and run them on the floor. She gets so thrilled when he hands her a toy and wants to play.

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