Thursday, July 10, 2008

Just to Catch Up

I know it's been a little while since I've caught up the posting. The kids are great, and I have made it through my first trimester. Eric is soo relieved. Just a few nights of "night sickness". Nothing like what I had with the other 2. Caroline is walking so well. She has even tried to take off running. She tries to say the words you are saying. She even said "Carla and Phyllis" (which is very hard). Eric said on the way home from preschool yesterday she was sooo cute. She had her finger in her mouth like "Hmmmmm" and she was just looking around quiet as a mouse taking everything in. Her hair has really come in and gotten so curly. Jackson loves to answer the phone; we have to stop him before he divulges the family information. Eric is still working on the plumbing in the bathroom, which has kind of come to a halt for now since he is sooo busy at work. Mom and Dad have almost finished the apartment. They have drywalled and painted and replaced some cabinets from all the water damage. I think they basically just have to get the carpet laid.

We stayed home on the 4th, especially since Caroline is in bed by 7pm. I fixed Salmon steaks on the grill, corn on the cob, mustard potato salad it was soo good, red, white, and blue jello salad, and a key lime pie for dessert. We watched the fireworks over the look. On Sat. we went to Mark and Staci's and had a great time playing cards and Corn Hole. We cooked out and the kids played in the sprinkler and sandbox. Morgan and Jackson fell asleep on the couch watching "Charlotte's Web" about 10pm. So much fun!!!!!

I'll post new pictures this weekend since it is long overdue!!!!!

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