Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mr. Fix It

I was talking to Eryn and found out that Madelyn had been in the bathroom and was sitting on the toilet while yelling for her to come in. Dean was also bugging the tar out of her. Then she hears a big KEERRTHUDDD and comes in to find Madelyn on the floor and had ripped the towel bar out of the wall along with some drywall. Eryn was furious and Madelyn swore she fell off the toilet and hit her head on the towel bar and it came out of the wall. 2 hours later, she asks Eryn if they could buy some monkey bars sometime because that would be fun.

So along those lines. Jackson came in last Friday and told me that the toilet overflowed but it was okay because he fixed it. I went in the bathroom to find that he had plunged it, alright. There was wet toilet paper everywhere!!! But he was proud of himself. Later, he answered the phone and told my work that I couldn't talk on the phone because I was watching "Max and Ruby". Then he came out to the garage to tell me "Ought oh, Mom Jaxy (our cat, who is outside by the way) made a mess". He said he was trying to reach a Capri Sun and Jax jumped in the fridge and knocked out the whole pan of Cherry Delight on the floor. RIGHT!! He later that day got grease all over his new 4th of July shirt while "fixing the grill"!! What a busy day that was.

Caroline took 6 steps to me yesterday and has been walking around since. She will stand in the middle of the living room floor, stick her butt in the air, gradually bring her arms up until she is standing straight up with her hands in the air. Then she will stand there like that until her legs give out and she falls over. So stinkin cute. She is getting 2 of her 12 month molars. No fun for night time.

Other than that, still trying to decide whether or not to stay part time or quit when I have the baby. Some days I think it would be great. Other days, I think "No way" I can't handle the 3 of them.

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