Friday, September 5, 2008

Small Blessings

Today, I have a lot of pics to post. I just walked around outside taking pictures of the busy bees. It is amazing how they are so inquisitive and love to explore. I am so blessed. I couldn't stop taking pictures.

You know when Caroline was born, I was worried about the 2 1/2yr difference. But these two have an amazing bond. They are constantly together. They may fight but they also protect each other. When one is climbing up, the other one has to be working his/her way up too. They are always trying to catch up to each other. They are tender to each other. As my mom pointed out, J irritates Caroline and she can throw the biggest fit at him, BUT when she enters the room, he is the first thing she goes for.

Eric had a really busy day, today. He left at the norm time of 5:30 and didn't get home until 8 pm. He had to do training for third shift, then he stopped at Lowe's to get parts for our new shower, which weren't in. The only thing I truly needed was Cascade for the dishwasher. I think I called him twice to remind, but he forgot. I guess I can forgive him this time because of the long day.

Well, I got offered a sub job at the daycare for anywhere from 16-24 hours a week, if I want all the hours. I'm thinking about going supplemental and working in the NICU or PICU two weekends a month and subbing at the preschool instead of working 2 days a week. I would take Caroline out of daycare and she would hang out with me; if I worked she would come with me and play with the other toddlers while I worked. We would keep J in preschool on Tues and Thurs from 9-3. I think it is really important for him to be prepared for Kindgergarten and with 2 other ones at home, I'm not sure I can give him the attention he deserves to be ready. If I worked any other day at the daycare, he would go, too. The kids go for free the days I work there. The director's secretary recently found a new job and she has another part time person and asked if I would be interested in helping with that or the lunches or teaching. I would love to teach the little ones but no nothing about teaching so maybe lunch lady or front secretary is more my speed right now. The kids I take care of are usually unconscious or too sick to move, except for my own of course. I'm excited to have the option for an alternative to keep working these crazy hours, especially after the baby is born.

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