Monday, March 2, 2009

Cabin Fever

Well, I did let the kids the go outside for 20 minutes, today. They were going stir crazy. Caroline is great; she didn't have a cough or even a runny nose, today. J still has a runny nose but was back to his usual self. Sophi, on the other hand, was up all night. She is sooo congested but her lungs are clear and no fever. So just a little cold virus, I'm sure. But, as you know, newborns are obligatory nose breathers so she was so frustrated when she tried to eat since she couldn't breathe all that good. Everytime I laid her down in her bassinet she screamed and couldn't catch her breath. So I slept sitting up holding her all night. Yeah! I'm extremely tired, today. But who said being a mom is easy work!

The pics are of Caroline riding the battery mower. This was the first time she figured out how to push the pedal and go. She loved it!! You will also notice that she has her black patent leather shoes on. She found these this morning and would not take them off, not even to play outside!!!!

Well, with being tired, and having extra laundry, today. (Not sure why...probably, Eric's from the weekend. I swear he changes his clothes like 3 times day!), anyway I didn't get pictures taken like I wanted. So I will try harder, tomorrow.

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