Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What a Day!!

I was supposed to pick Nichole up at the airport at 9:30 this morning. I even had the kids ready and packed up an 1hr 15min early. So I go out to start the Tahoe and low and behold the battery is dead!!! (Eric left the keys on. He swears one of the kids got in there and did it. But you know...RIGHT) So I'm thinking do I try to jump it or if that doesn't work I will be even later. So I loaded all 3 car seats into Nichole's car, dropped J off at school (broke his zipper on his coat in the meantime), the exit to the southbound interstate was closed today, so I had to go North to the next exit, make a u turn, and go back southbound to the airport exit. I think I was only 15 minutes late. Not too bad. Plus my sinuses are killing me; the pollen count must be like a gazillion. So the girls and I went home and Aunt Nichole and the girls took a nice long nap. We picked J up and he got an egg contraption to help hold his eggs while he decorates them so I had to boil eggs. It was a good time! I wish she could of stayed longer (like a week)!! Lots of fun.

Tootie is still addicted to her horsey!

Sophi is 241/2 inches and now in 3-6month clothes. She won't be in these very long. 3 month clothes don't fit...too short.

I asked J to put his clothes in the laundry when he put on his pjs and his reply was "Well, Mom that's not what G0d made me for!" So I asked him what God did make him for and his reply was "Wellllllllll, God only wants me to play and have lots of gum." So funny!

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