Monday, November 10, 2008

Excuse You

Sorry Guys. I have been kind of slacking, lately. I had to work all weekend and it wore me out. It's amazing how my belly changed from Sat. to Sun. There are 6 of us pregnant at work. Brianna took her baby home Sat and I got to see them leave the hospital and all I could think was "Yes, I'm soooooo next". 30 1/2 weeks pregnant as of last Thursday. On Sunday, I had about 5 people tell me that the baby had dropped dramatically since the day before. My back did hurt on Sunday, and at least, I didn't split my pants. I haven't bought any maternity scrub pants and have made it thus far. However, yesterday, was the last day because I thought for sure I was going to hear a rip at any time. Eric is in Chicago this week at a financial's training seminar. I called and he is playing cards with Matt and Ryan tonight. After having the kids all weekend, I'm sure he was jumping for joy for a few nights away from home. Mom and Dad are in Vegas, they left this morning and Mom is already laying out by the ppol. J had his Batman costume on all day today and even wore it to the Post Office. Little C is speaking so many little sentences. When you give her something she really wants she says "THERE you go!" and she says "Scuse you (excuse you" or "Bess You (bless you)". I love to hear her little voice chattering at her doll babies. John and Joanne got Jackson a "Tickle Me Elmo TMX" doll last Christmas and Tootie latched onto him today and figured out how to turn him on. He started talking to her and fell onto the floor moving and she was flabbergasted. It was so funny and now she carries him everywhere and won't put him down. She keeps going up to J and saying "ON, ON, ON" so he'll turn him on for her so funny. Here is a video clip of Eric and Tootie playing games and saying excuse you.

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