Friday, March 21, 2008

The New York Company arrives

Today was the day. Sean and Lesley pulled in about 3:00pm in there black Mustang convertible with the top down, since the temperature was 62 degrees. It was beautiful and sunny. I told them I knew it was them because only New Yorkers would have the top down here with that temperature. Ha! Jackson immediately, latched on to Uncle Sean and wanted him to go here and there and scare him and hold him and play with him. Uncle Sean was a great sport. He did everything Jackson wanted to with him. To scared to hold baby Caroline today.

John and Joanne drove in a little after, it was about 5pm or maybe 5:30pm. We visited outside for awhile and had tuna noodle casserole. Last Friday in Lent! We stayed up and visited but I know they were tired from the trip. I can't wait for more bedrooms. John and Joanne stayed on the Aerobed in the dining room, Jackson on an air mattress in our room, us in our bed, Sean and Les in Jackson's bed, and Tootie in her crib. I think everyone was comfortable, though. We had a great time catching up!

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