Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Easter Preparations

Today was so much fun! We all got up around 9am, maybe a little earlier. Jackson came up to me and said "Mom, can I please go wake Sean and Lesley up?" Then he would run back down and say "can you go open their door for me?" He finally got up enough nerve, went in, they pretended they were asleep, and he jumped on them. Later I heard him sneak into Grandma and give this little, quiet "Hi!". We colored easter eggs with the kids and had a great time. The guys went to the store where they were mistakenly charge 24$ for a half pound of potato salad.

John and Joanne kept the kids and Sean, Les, me and Eric went to Claddaugh's Irish Pub for dinner and drinks. It was awesome. I had toasted lobster ravioli and potato soup. So good! Then we walked over to Stone Creek for cocktails in the Metropolis Center. Finally, we were on a mission to find a Tonka bike. We found it 3 stores later. The Easter Bunny was so proud. We came home and both kids were in bed and they had a wonderful night with Grandma and Grandpa. (Even though, bedtimes aren't in Grandpa's contract) Ha!

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