Saturday, September 11, 2010

Supergirl gets stitches

Well, while talking to Eric on the phone in the kitchen at 5 pm tonight. The kids were running thru the kitchen and just as I yell "No running in the house". Batman falls and stubs his toe and then Supergirl flies over him face first into the wall. When I heard J crying and yelling "Are you ok? Oh Tootie" I knew a bloody face was about to emerge around the corner and after cleaning her up. I managed to convince all of them that we were going on a little trip. I couldn't reach Mark and Stac, so I took all of them to St. Vincent's which is forever away but I wanted a plastic surgeon to stitch her up so she wouldn't have a scar. We didn't have to wait in the waiting room very long until we went back. Miss Tootie didn't like it one bit when she figured out that we were in the ER. The numbed her and let her numb up for a good 30 minutes and then 4 of us held her down while the doctor put 4 stitches in the line vertical from her nose to mouth. No teeth or inner mouth were affected. She put up a good fight but wore out and just cried the rest of the time. I think Sophi cried worse than Tootie did. Because of the location it can't be covered and she has a horrible cold so we'll hope she doesn't get it infected. She can't lick at the stitches or they will come out and we have to be careful for the next month that she doesn't pop it back open which would leave a scar and 70 SPF sunscreen everytime she goes outside for the next year to prevent the scar showing more. We stopped at McDonald's at 9:30 since no one had anything to eat since 11am except Sophi who got to eat all the crackers and the cookie that were in packages in my purse. We finally got home about 10:15 and everyone went straight to bed. Now it's my turn :)

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