Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School, First Day of School

Today was Jackson's first day of preschool. He was very nervous. He is still at the Sonshine School but has 2 new teachers and only knows 3 of the girls in his new class. His class was putting up there nap linens when I dropped him off. He laid his nap things down and climbed onto his cott. His teachers told him that it wasn't nap time yet since it was only 9:30. He was a little embarrassed. I'm sure he is having a great day. I got called off of work and am so glad so I could be there to comfort him. He did look a little like a deer in headlights.

Caroline, however, is now the oldest in her toddler class. She looked like "Alright, now it's my turn to knock some kids down". Her hair is long enough know I pulled up the sides in a pony tail on top with a butterfly barrett. She was so adorable.

New baby is fine. I have another doctor's appointment Thursday at 1:00 and should find out the sex in a couple of weeks.

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