Sunday, August 3, 2008

Perfect Playmates

J and Caroline have become the best of friends. It is so cute; I love every minute. As soon as she wakes up in the morning, J is always saying "wait Mom I need to go in first and give her a hug and kiss". He yells Hi Tootie!!! and she yells "Hi". At dinner time, they have yelling matches. J starts out yelling Hey and Tootie yells "Hey" and then the volume gets louder and louder. They love to push matchbox cars together and J plays with his GI Joe guys and has a little girl doll he gives her so she can participate, too. There are those precious toys like his laser gun that briskly gets taken when she is playing with it. You can tell he has been listening to his dad too much, too. Yesterday, I fixed blueberry muffins for breakfast and some little tinkerbell got them all over her pajamas. J walked over to her, put his hands in the air, and said "Tootie, Come on, now!" It was seriously the cutest thing ever. He was not to thrilled when she pooped in his room, either. That was funny. I had given her a bath, and let her go upstairs without a diaper for a minute. She walked into Jackson's room and got a book off the shelf and was squatting and looking at the book. J walked in and I heard a very loud voice yelling "Tootie, Oh my goodness, that is sooooo gross, that's worse than Jaxy (the cat). "Mom you have a mess to clean up"!!!! "And can you hurry cause this stinks"!!!

They both LOVE books! which I am so thrilled about. I hope they love to read as much as I do. Jackson is getting so good at his prayers. He remember people I forget to pray for. The other night, he said mom I need to pray for that little boy Staci nows that has trouble standing up. Some friends of some friends have a little boy that was just diagnosed with a debilitating disease that eats at your muscles and he is having problems walking every once in a while and out of the blue, Jackson just thought of him.

Jackson was playing outside yesterday, and came in with black stuff all over his face, arms, and hands. It looked like soot but he said he got it from a tree. After his shower it was still around his left eye and eyelashes. He looked just like "Spot the Dog" it was so funny.

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