Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Nini's Visit

Mom came and stayed with us yesterday and overnight. Eric is in Ohio on business until Thursday. We had a fun time. She and Jackson worked all of his puzzles along with 2 new ones that she brought. Little Caroline has a right ear infection. Yes, I know she just had tubes put in during May, but one of them got clogged and she got a bad ear infection along with the beginning of pneumonia. She is much better today. She went back to her little friends at the Sonshine School. Nini had a great time with them. The tears started to flow when she had to leave today.

I cannot believe Jackson starts his preschool class of 4 year olds on Monday. He's such a little man. Caroline spilled some blueberries from breakfast on her outfit and J walked up to her and said "Tootie, Come on, now, Come on". Wonder where he heard that from?

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