Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Smartie Pants

J got his first REAL report card, today. Straight A's Yayyyy! Well technically straight M's. They grade where M means Mastered, S means satisfactory and still progressing, and N means needs more improvement. He got M's in everything except, listens all the time and clean work station. LOL! Ok so, he is a little chatty in class like his mama and a slob at his work station like his papa. LOL! At least, he has mastered the academic part!!!!

Yesterday, we were driving home and he tells me all these amazing things about what to do if you are in a house on fire, he was describing how smoke rises, smoke inhalation, and that a normal lung is dark pink. I was amazed and then I ask him if a fireman came into to talk to his class and he responds "Uh NOOOO, Mom, Mrs. B taught us that and she knows everything in the world". I have been overshadowed by his teacher ;( It was so funny, though and the kid has picked up so much this year. He adores school. 43 days, no absent, no tardy!! and everything begins with "Mrs. B. says....."

We went for a bike ride after school today and J had to accidents. One of the accidents was after I had directed him to drive straight and pay attention to the rode. Well, some little 4 year old girl caught his eye and he was breaking his neck behind him trying to see what she was doing when he drove straight into a mailbox. Thank the Lord that it was one of those plastic jobbies.

Tootie criticizes my shoes or clothes lately by saying "Oh Mommy, those shoes are not very sparkly, or are you wearing that AGAIN mommy". She is such a diva!

Soph Bug's famous quote is "All Done, Mama" If she is busy and I'm trying to wipe her face or put her shoes on, she gets real frustrated with me and says "All Done, All done, Mama".

Eric and I are getting closer to closing. 21 conditions came up on our mortgage tonight. I thought I was going to faint. Luckily, all most all were for the appraiser and title company. But get this, they told Eric's boss the GM that he was not qualified to sign a letter of employment has to be from the company hired by HR. Are you kidding me. That means that Eric's boss has to sign a letter saying it was not fraud and he is Eric's boss and then he has to get another letter from HR. I think Kevin and Eric are going to make some heads roll with the interns at the HR division out of Ohio, tomorrow! LOL! They also want a copy of the cancelled check for the Earnest money. My bank statement of the check clearing is not enough. The good old days of getting a mortgage by walking into your bank and just signing a good old application is over. What has the government done to this country. We definately will never be moving again!!! When we retire and the house gets too big...too bad...I guess we will rent out the basement because we will never go through this buying and selling CRAP..EVER EVER Again! Look out homebuyers and if you didn't know. Along with the 2200 Healthcare bill that was passed a Real Estate sales tax was passed for 4.5% for all states. So if you buy a 200,000 house, you will pay 9,000 in sales tax along with the 7% you will pay your realtor to sell your house and all the other closing costs, title insurance, etc. Not to mention you will still pay your property taxes every year. This is supposed to take effect Jan. 2012. Good Grief! I had my online class tonight but will post pics of Tootie's dance class in their witch, goblin, and ghost costumes for dance yesterday. They are adorable!!

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