Friday, August 20, 2010

Tootie and Sophi Groovin to Grover

Tootie and Sophi LOVE "Play with Me Sesame" which is a spin off of Sesame Street that features Grover, Elmo, Abby Cadabby, and Bert and Ernie. Sophi adores Grover and Tootie Elmo and Abby. As a matter of fact, she sits with her Elmo and Abby dolls while watching it. The girls were watching today and Grover started a dance. The girls got up and were dancing with Grover. If you were wondering, Tootie is wearing Jackson's "Woody" pjs. They have gotten into the habit of wearing matching costumes. So if J wears Buzz to bed, Tootie has to wear Woody. And if J wears Batman, Tootie wears her Superman with the cape of course.

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